The Don’ts For Credit Repair

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When you are looking to get a new car there are a few things you will want to know not to do. 

You don’t want to hide from creditors if the creditor is unable to get ahold of you they will market you as a charge off, which is the worst thing for your credit. It’s best to explain to your creditors why you can’t pay.

How much of your available credit can you use so it doesn’t make or break you. You should not use more than 30%-40% of your credit. Make it a habit to pay off your credit bills in full every month.

Don’t live beyond your means cut out unnecessary spending and make sure you pay your bills on time, carefully look at each purchase like buying a car you will want to talk to an auto lender that can help you. Car loans in Tennessee are the best way to reestablish your credit.

Don’t open to many bank accounts to quickly this will look poorly on your credit score. Because you could be taking on to much debt.

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